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Recent & Upcoming Events

Mississippi Law Journal Judicial Symposium on the Fourteenth Amendment

A panel discussing the importance, background, immediate origins, interpretation over time, and possible futures of all parts of the Amendment—sections 1, 3, and 5, and perhaps even sections 2 and 4.


My contribution, tentatively entitled Scoping Section 5, will be published in 94 Miss. L.J.__ (2025).

Friday, September 13, 2024

2024 APSA Annual Meeting

I will be at the 2024 APSA Annual Meeting to participate in Reception Honoring the 2024 APSA Award Recipients.

Wednesday, September 4, 6:30-8:00PM

Race, Ethics + Power | Center for Ethics, University of Toronto

Caste is a concept used to explain persistent forms of social hierarchy and group domination. While it is often associated with India, feudal Europe, and Latin America, scholars in recent years have asked whether it also makes sense to conceptualize the United States as a caste system. This recent discourse overlooks a centuries-long tradition of American civil rights activism—from Frederick Douglass to W.E.B. Du Bois—that understands the United States as a caste system and seeks racial justice through constitutional reform. Returning to this tradition, this talk explores both what the concept of caste misses and what it captures about racial inequality in the United States today.

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